by Beng Dy - 27 tracks
Palpatine- Rise
Palpatine- Not from a Jedi
Palpatine- Dark side of the force
Obi-Wan- Chosen one
Obi-Wan- Bad feeling
Anakin- Fun begins
Anakin- Destroyers
Anakin- Clear shot
Anakin- Vulture droids
Anakin starfighter shooting
Darth Sidious- Show mercy
Darth Sidious- Must be done
Darth Sidious- Enemy of the Republic
General Grevious- Situation
General Grevious- Predicted
Battle scene
Obi-Wan- Easy
Yoda- Twisted
Vulture droid talking
R2 taking comlink
R2 squirting oil
R2 sounding sassy
R2 chatter
Lightsaber and droids getting killed
Elevator beeping
Mace Windu & Palpatine- Under arrest
Buzz droids talking

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Revenge of the Sith, the Star Wars cycle at last comes to an end. Anakin Skywalker begins his journey towards the Dark Side of the Force, putting his friendship with Obi Wan Kenobi and his marriage at risk.
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