by Ronnie Garrett - 107 tracks
People Like Me by Jeff and Sheri Easter vocals by Ron
All My Hope Is In Jesus - Crowder song sung by Ron
Help Is On The Way - Michael E. Reed, author/Ron Garrett, soloist
The Miracle Of The Bethlehem Star - Author, Joe Medrek, cover, Ron Garrett, background track by Medina Music Studio
I Saw The Light, Author, Hank Williams, sung by Ron
My Redeemer Is Faithful And True - Authors, Steven Curtis Chapman and James Isaac Elliott, sung by Ron
Victory In Jesus - Author, Eugene M. Bartlett, sung by Ron
How My Life Was Changed - Lyrics, music and vocals by Ron
He Didn't Bring Us This Far To Leave Us - Phil Johnson, lyricist/Ron, vocalist
Untitled Hymn (Come To Jesus) lyrics, music and keyboard by Chris Rice, sung by Ron
Be Exalted, O God - sung by Ron
Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem - sung by Ron/author - Patty Loveless
You Raise Me Up - sung by Ron
I Can't Even Walk - sung by Ron
I Just Love Old People - author - Jake Hess - vocalist - Ron Garrett
All I Need - vocal, lyrics and music by Ron
Spend Time With God - Take Time To Be Holy - R. Garrett, W.D. Longstaff & Geo. C. Stebbins
Feeling Fine - Garrett Trio (Ron and sisters Trudy and Jan) Hovie Lister song
The Redeeming Christ - lyrics, music and vocals by Ron Garrett
What I Never Thought Of - lyrics, music and vocals by Ron Garrett
Where I Want My Name Known - lyrics, music and vocals by Ron
The Best Is Yet To Come - sung by Ron - author/Joe Medrek
I Didn't Write The Book - words, music and vocals by Ron
Until Then - as sung by Ron
Oh What A Savior - sung by Ron Garrett
Be Filled - written, composed and sung by Ron
Precious Lord, Take My Hand - sung by Ron
Flesh Of My Flesh - sung by Ron
A Wonderful Savior - Fanny J. Crosby, Wm. J. Kirkpatrick/arg. & sung by Ron
Jesus, We Come - lyrics by W.T. Sleeper, Geo. C. Stebbins and Ron Garrett- vocal Ron
Excited About Jesus - words, music and vocals by Ron
My Tribute - as sung by Ron
What Heaven's Like - written and sung by Ron
The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power - public domain composed and sung by Ron
If That Isn't Love - as sung by Ron
Who Am I - as sung by Ron
Be Generous - words, vocals and music by Ron
The Unclouded Day - sung by Ron
He Lifted Me - all parts sung by Ron
Do You Know My Jesus? - as sung by Ron
Faith Sees The Way - words, vocals and music by Ron
What's The Answer - words, vocals and music by Ron Garrett
A Little More Praise - lyrics, music and vocals by Ron
I've Been Rescued - as sung by Ron
Other Side Of The Grave - as sung by Ron
We Open Our Hearts - words by Bryan and Ron Garrett
Glory To His Name - two parts sung by Ron
The Great Promise Keeper - Words, music and vocals by Ron Garrett
Blessed Be The Name - Sung by Ron
I've Kept The Faith - written and recorded by Ron
The Promise - as sung by Ron
The Reason Is Love - as sung by Ron
Joy Comes In The Morning - as sung by Ron
So Good - as sung by Ron
A Christmas Message - words by Amy Carol Wolff and Ron Garrett - music by Amy - sung by Ron
Mighty Deep Well - as sung by Ron
I Believe In A Hill Called Mt. Calvary - as sung by Ron
I Won't Have To Worry Anymore - all parts sung by Ron
There's No Place That Love Can't Reach - as sung by Ron
Til The Storm Passes By - as sung by Ron
When He Was On The Cross -as sung by Ron
When I Lift Up My Head - as sung by Ron
Like I Wish I'd Lived - sung by Ron Garrett
Who Will Be Jesus - as sung by Ron
Why Me Lord - as sung by Ron
Mary Did You Know - sung by Ron Garrett
Won't You Walk Along With Jesus - written and sung with 3 part harmony by Ron
Wounded Hands - as sung by Ron
Sinner Saved By Grace - sung by Ron Garrett
People Need The Lord - sung by Ron Garrett
You're Never Too Old To Love Jesus - written and sung by Ron
I Catch 'Em God Cleans 'Em - sung by Ron Garrett
Carry Me Away - sung by Ron Garrett
Pray About Everything - as sung by Ron
Singing With The Saints - as sung by Ron
Sweet Forgiveness - as sung by Ron
That's Why They Call It Grace - as sung by Ron
Broken And Spilled Out - sung by Ron Garrett
The Altar - as sung by Ron
The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us - written and recorded by Ron
On The Authority - sung by Ron Garrett
Feel The Nails - sung by Ron Garrett
The Old Gospel Ship - as sung by Ron
The Story Of My Life - as sung by Ron
Moved Up Moved On - as sung by Ron
My God Will Always Be Enough - as sung by Ron
No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus - as sung by Ron
I Know A Man Who Can - as sung by Ron
Had It Not Been - sung by Ron Garrett
I'll Worship Only At The Feet Of Jesus - as sung by Ron
In The Garden - as sung by Ron
Keep Me On The Wheel - as sung by Ron
Let's Begin Again - as sung by Ron
Mercy Walked In - as sung by Ron
I Can See Heaven - as sung by Ron
All Things New - as sung by Ron
At The Cross - as sung by Ron
Bend In The River - as sung by Ron
Don't Get Down On Jesus - as sung by Ron
Don't Let Me Miss The Glory - as sung by Ron
Feel The Nails - as sung by Ron
Glorious Freedom - as sung by Ron
God Is Good All The Time - as sung by Ron
The Old Rugged Cross - as sung by Ron
Church of the Apostles - Men's Choir led by Ron
Then I Met The Master - sung by Ron
If God Is For Me - cover by Ron, Crabb Family song, Darmac Karaoke

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Boards form Ronnie Garrett
This soundboard is for uplifting, thought provoking, and hopefully, life changing music to bring glory to God because of what He's done through Jesus Christ.
Hymns of the Christian faith
This soundboard is for uplifting, thought provoking, and hopefully life changing music to bring glory to God for what He's done through Jesus
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