Justin Long

My first soundboard...

Category: Celebrities   Tracks: 21   Views: 7160  

by Sam - 21 tracks
How's it hang ese?
Your chart...
Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin' but...
Don't worry scro, now there are plenty of tards...
There's that fag talk we talked about.
Uhh..You talk like a fag.
You're fucked up.
Boosted some nitrus.
Do you know how much this shit is worth...?
This is like, a thousand dollars.
Yeah I Know!
...Forgot what I was going to say.
Uhh I smoked some weed.
Laced weed.
Eyelid tattoos.
You shouldn't talk to someone like that!
Fuck you!
Fight Combo
Throw down bitch!
Throw down bitch!!