by Shaneequa Loqueesha - 95 tracks
ah...what's your name
My name is Ray.
Fine, thank you, and you?
You sound like a nice fellow.
Oh, that's interesting.
Yeah. 1
Okay. 2
Okay. 3
Oh, stop it!
No. 1
Could you say that again a little slower?
Oh, that's wonderful
Well that's very commendable.
I hear ya!
Where are you from?
five and a half
Can you see any buildings...?
Is that right?
Does that make sense?
What are you talking about?
I can hear you rattling your paper.
Can I talk to you about spiritual things?
Tell me about your spiritual beliefs...
What must one do to get to heaven?
What do you think happens when someone dies?
good person?
...been following ten commandments?
'kay, let's just look at God's standard...
Do you read your bible every day?
When did you last read your bible?
Okay, what did you read?
How many lies?1
How many lies?2
What do you call someone that lies?
...all liars...
...ever stolen anything?
What do you call someone that steals?
....ever use God's name in vain?
That's called blasphemy...
...ever look at someone with lust?
Do you lust women?
Have you ever looked at a woman with lust?
You're an adulterer at heart. your own admission...
You have admitted to being...
Innocent or guilty?
Heaven or hell?
Does it concern you?
He will not clear the guilty
Let's just take it to a court of law.
if you died today...
just as a good judge...
I said, "IF"
batteries, smoke alarm
Doesn't make any difference
criminal doesn't believe in electric chair
You broke God's law...
God, Himself...
The bible says "God so loved..."
and so to receive that forgiveness
and trust in Jesus, Christ
because of what Jesus did on the cross...
God sets before you...
...more fodder...
He shed His life's blood...
He stepped into the courtroom...
He was taking the punishment...
...another question for you...
How do you fix it up?
I'm not judging you.
I don't want you to go to hell.
Is that how to get to heaven?
It's why I'm talking to you.
just listen to me for a moment
so, listen to this
That's exactly wat you're doing.
Trust in Jesus Christ, alone.
How do I get to heaven?
What happened on the cross?
Would you bet your life on it?
He'll give you a new heart
God can commute your death sentence
Proverbs 1 and 2
I had a god in my mind...
Your eyes.....1
Your eyes.....2
a lung is worth...

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