Solid Guard - Metal Gear

There's nothing like hiding from a bunch of different guards as they're searching you out; Metal Gear Solid delivers gaming performance like no other. But the Inattentive Guards of the Metal Gear franchise are best known for what they don't do, proving to be both the most useful and useless human targets videogames have ever know.

Category: Games   Tracks: 19   Views: 22525  

by Eve Dy - 19 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Who's footprints
Metal Gear Solid Guard Mix
What was that noise
Where'd he go
Who's that
Choke noise
Death 1
Death 2
Eat this
Heard something
Neck snap
Return to your positions
Stay right there
This way
Boards form Eve Dy
Eve Dy

There's nothing like hiding from a bunch of different guards as they're searching you out; Metal Gear Solid delivers gaming performance like no other. But the Inattentive Guards of the Metal Gear franchise are best known for what they don't do, proving to be both the most useful and useless human targets videogames have ever know.

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