Background Music/Mood Music

This music is for : Advertising,tv,Radio spots,in store mood music,or for any project that needs to set the mood. or maybe you just need to chill out with your friends and relax,I hope that you can find something to fit what ever it is you do......THANKS

Category: My Music   Tracks: 6   Views: 2746  

by steve bass - 6 tracks    Full Board $49.99
New Life New Beginning
The Hour
A Piece of Me
Is There Time
Remember Me
Boards form steve bass
steve bass

The music I have here is instrumental, rap,hip-hope,R&B, maybe some pop. I hope you can find something that you can use for your projects... "THANKS"

steve bass

This music is for : Advertising,tv,Radio spots,in store mood music,or for any project that needs to set the mood. or maybe you just need to chill out with your friends and relax,I hope that you can find something to fit what ever it is you do......THANKS

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