V - Hello from Anna

Anna is the Leader of the Visitors, a Queen born to rule the advanced alien species whose spaceships have arrived on Earth. To the people of Earth, she appears beautiful and peaceful, as she offers gifts and invites humans to live on her ships. But in reality, Anna is cruel and cunning, ruling the Visitors with an iron fist

Category: Television   Tracks: 7   Views: 4260  

by PM-Jason Booth - 7 tracks
The Visitors
V promo in Italian
Ana's Greetings in Italian 2
This is a momentous day
My name is Anna
Mean no harm
We are at peace
Boards form PM-Jason Booth
PM-Jason Booth

Anna is the Leader of the Visitors, a Queen born to rule the advanced alien species whose spaceships have arrived on Earth. To the people of Earth, she appears beautiful and peaceful, as she offers gifts and invites humans to live on her ships. But in reality, Anna is cruel and cunning, ruling the Visitors with an iron fist

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