
A telemarketer calls and encounters a monster at his work, very hilarious.

Category: Other   Tracks: 16   Views: 4970  

by Geo Yavin2 - 16 tracks
May i Speak with Mr Lloza
Mr. Lloza
Calling on behalf
Yes Sir 100 Dollars
Manufactured in America
Hello Mrs. Loch?
Mrs. Loch im Calling on behalf
(Frightened) Yes Ma am 100 dollars
(Frightened) Manufactured in America
(Frightened) Mrs. Loch ITS HERE!
The Vynel Right Corp
Im calling on behalf of the vynil right corp
I just Shot a Zombie
Want to know why it jumped at me?
He turned it into a Zombie
Boards form Geo Yavin2
Geo Yavin2

A telemarketer calls and encounters a monster at his work, very hilarious.

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