Jason Booth

Are these song clips examples of "backward masking" where backward messages are deliberately recorded? Or reverse speech, said to be a natural vocal occurence coming from the subconcious mind? Or a clever way of persecuting musicians? You decide.  

Boards: 1   Tracks: 23  

23 Tracks 86861 Views

Are these song clips examples of "backward masking" where backward messages are deliberately recorded? Or reverse speech, said to be a natural vocal occurence coming from the subconcious mind? Or a clever way of persecuting musicians? You decide.

Pass the gun
My Sweet Satan
Come sleep with me Im not to young
After all you're a woman
Woman I Will Keep on the Path
They Know I'm Sick
High in L.A.
I believe in my cool woman
Now he uses marijuana
Are you lost more and more - Nirvana
I took my life
Satan holds the keys to the lock
I'm so wicked
The man of evil is there
Marijuana the law will banish us
Drinking all night long
Still missing mom Will be missing you
Oh I need some man to f*ck back
Play backwards Hear words sung
I love you said the devil
Satan organised his own religion
We Are Funny
You scare me heaven Hear me please
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