Penny Modesto

Postal Dude is the main character in the video game series Postal 2. Due to his violent nature, he is regarded as one of the most controversial video game characters. In the games he was voiced by voice actor Rick Hunter. ADULT LANGUAGE  

Boards: 1   Tracks: 54  

54 Tracks 43439 Views

Postal Dude is the main character in the video game series Postal 2. Due to his violent nature, he is regarded as one of the most controversial video game characters. In the games he was voiced by voice actor Rick Hunter. ADULT LANGUAGE

Botched that one
Mission accomplished
Another one
Dr. Euthanasia
Gonna be sweet
Ahh, that's the stuff
Have a nice day
Damn that stings
How would you like
And one to grow on
Christmas tree
Day is complete
Didn't you just save
Does my voice annoy you
Excuse me
F_ck you
Just started yesterday
Hot number two
Find more
Gotta take
My president
Oh my clavichord
Hang over
My bad
All out of cash
Just kiddin'
Hey, I know
My grandmother
Time to party
Uncle Dad
I'm sorry
Joe Bob
Hi there
I knew it
Right in the stuff
If you say so
People person
Oh my nods
Regret nothing
Ohhh yeahhh
Police station
There it is
Try to escape
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