Animals/Nature (7163 Tracks)

10 Tracks 29082 Views

Quantum physics is the study of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic levels. In the early 20th century, it was discovered that the laws that govern macroscopic objects do not function the same in such small realms. Listen to several Quantum physics audio book samples here..

26 Tracks 28204 Views

The ambiance at the farm is casual, comfortable and homey. Flexibility and serendipity are the key ingredients to enjoying your stay here. Listen here!

8 Tracks 27652 Views

The wildebeest, also known as the gnu is a large ungulate antelope. Gnu is likely an imitation of the wildebeest?s characteristic grunting in the Khoikhoi language. Wildebeest occupy the plains and acacia savannas of eastern Africa.

11 Tracks 26635 Views

If you live to be 75 years old, you could only have about four opportunities in your life to hear the song of a Cicada. A Brood of Cicadas will come and go every 13 or 17 years. Listen to one of nature's most powerful and elusive performers here.

15 Tracks 26013 Views

These sounds are the best evidence of bigfoot. Some Bigfoot researchers have reported sightings and/or hearing bigfoot sounds, after they entered known bigfoot areas.

12 Tracks 25876 Views

Whatever it is that causes these voice imprints onto electronic media, be they ghosts, spirits, aliens, the fact is that EVP's are real and that continued research and experimentation will eventually determine all the "How" of the occurrences in scientific facts.

17 Tracks 25836 Views

Why do toads sing? Sometimes, toads sing when they are trying to attract a mate. "HEY! Baby!" Sometimes, toads sing to mark their territory. "This is MY Lilypad!" or they know the weather is going to change. "Rain!!!"

10 Tracks 25772 Views

Coyote calls

12 Tracks 25075 Views

The relaxing sounds of water in nature.

15 Tracks 24411 Views

This soundboard includes snake sound clips.

12 Tracks 24343 Views

Abduction testimonials and stories of encounters with UFO's and aliens from outer space.

10 Tracks 23910 Views

Check out these cute dogs snoring like a person!

17 Tracks 23649 Views

is natuur

15 Tracks 23552 Views

Marmots are generally large ground squirrels. These critters are always looking for scraps and can be quite agressive. These species-specific vocalizations are refered to as alarm calls, and use loud whistles to communicate with one another.

15 Tracks 23443 Views

Listen to the stars through Radio Astronomy Telescopes like the VLA in Sorroco, New Mexico. Did you know you can hear Quasars, Plasma, Comets, and unexplained phenomena from deep space? Galaxy UGC6697 is 180 million light years from Earth.

10 Tracks 23442 Views

A highly coloured finch with a bright red face and yellow wing patch. Sociable, often breeding in loose colonies, they have a delightful liquid twittering song and call. Listen to these clips.

13 Tracks 23142 Views

Sonar equipment on Navy vessels captured these actual sounds while out in the oceans listening on the underwater world.

34 Tracks 22706 Views


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