New Soundboards

104 Tracks 344827 Views

I work many, many hours at my computer with a TV on the side to keep me company. These are clips and bites as I encounter them in my viewing. You'll find many of my favs from Bad Santa, Southpark, Phil Hartman, Pacino and the best line from The Paper a la Robert Duvall. New includes Dewey Cox and the sad violin.

9 Tracks 98237 Views

Who could ever forget some of these brilliant lines from Judge Smails, Ty and more. Never get old either.

14 Tracks 42157 Views

This is a collection of Baby Logan's latest noises, words and sounds - straight from his cute little lips to your ears. Ba-bye but check he learns more.

23 Tracks 316330 Views

Some of my very favorite Napoleon Dynamite moments from this classic film including some Tina. Seriously, you're bruising my neckmeat!

55 Tracks 383403 Views

Woo-Hoo! This is a collection of some of the finest quotes from television's greatest show. Viva la Simpsons!

39 Tracks 1041044 Views

Some of our very favorite quotes and soundbytes from the classic film starring Will Ferrell as the hilarious Ron Burgundy. Time to musk up! Enjoy and download any and all for ringtones and such, only $1.95 for 39 tracks!