MrTrevorLahey's soundboard

Category: Other   Tracks: 82   Views: 2094  

by Trebor Lutz - 82 tracks
Sweet Brown Sugar - Foxy Brown
Do the hell out of him - Foxy Brown
Life is tough baby - Sweet Sweetbacks
That's 'cause us Black folk - Shaft
One glass of Champag-na
Province of Champag-na
Only prescription
Baby Wants to f*ck
Lets f*ck
Pour beer
It's nice and it sells hockey.
I run a clean game here...
Putting on the foil
What Mo wants by the pool
The Hansons get warmed up for the game.
The Hansons get pumped up
Denis explains hockey rules.
Denis explains hockey rules.
No time
The Ride Of The Valkyries
Ain't you
The Classic Wilhelm Scream 1
Kill your brother
Break my d_ _k
S_ _k my puppet d_ _k
Killing white bitches
Blackman Handshake
Buck - Going gets tough
Idiotic - Josh Mostel
I'm in the dark- Yelling
Toughened - Hannibal Lector
Im sorry mother - Norman Bates
A boys best friend - Norman Bates
Are you really my mother? - Norman Bates
Im the devil - The Exorcist
Did you breast feed her
Nicotine in my urine - The Paper
Never go full retard - Tropic Thunder
Let's do this, buddy - Tropic Thunder
Never fornicated anybody - Bad Santa
For me to poop on
Holy Cow
Heroine has personality - Trainspotting
Something missing - Trainspotting
Something missing - Trainspotting
I'm just a caveman - Phil Hartman
Ass to mars! (Total recall)
100% committed
Please forgive me
Bond that can't be broken
I will never die
There is ni I
Bionic jump
I like it
Big Kiss
Finally matched his meat
That's 'cause us Black folk
Let me get a sip
One rib
Family full of midgets
Abraham Lincoln
Got a little dick
Lets face it harry, the vette gets em wet
This is hot scissoring
What writing an essay really meant
Makes me sick
Booger's HUGE belch
We've Got bush
Made love
China nerd
Limp wristed
Drink to that !
Superfly theme clip