Cameron's Board

Various musings from the toddler that is Cameron.

Category: Personal   Tracks: 0   Views: 362  

by Mike Fiol - 0 tracks
Boards form Mike Fiol
Mike Fiol

I work many, many hours at my computer with a TV on the side to keep me company. These are clips and bites as I encounter them in my viewing. You'll find many of my favs from Bad Santa, Southpark, Phil Hartman, Pacino and the best line from The Paper a la Robert Duvall. New includes Dewey Cox and the sad violin.

Mike Fiol

Original, fresh versions of the song written by the Hill sisters in 1893 and known the world over. Send any one of these versions to someone via email, phone, iTunes, Facebook. Visit

Mike Fiol

Various musings from the toddler that is Cameron.

Mike Fiol

This is a testing board

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