Prank Calls (20915 Tracks)
Funny prank call soundboard.
I pile up some humorous messages that you can use to make an excuse to your phone callers when you're away.
In typical Al Pacino style these prank calls are abrasive gangster inquistions by a tough guy nobody would want to be on the bad side of! Adult language.
my sound board is mostly for prank calls and because its funny
Terry Tibbs from E4's show "fonejacker"
Just a Darth Vader soundboard for making prank calls and stuff.
The Gangsta Girl is a very angry woman who was prank called by rapper ODB. Adult Language.
During the years that Hillary Clinton served as first lady, she became a symbol of America's human face and the values we cherish as a people. She has the ability to remain calm in campaign combat. Yet, she also knows how to listen to the people.
Kerpals prank calls to a house accusing Abtars daughter of kicking his dog. Adult language
Need Roy to take care of a few phone calls for you? Need a nice Sexhavin sound effect/quote to put the cherry on top of a class PowerPoint presentation? Well sweet titties! You're in luck! Roy has graciously uploaded some sound bites from both Sexhavin songs AND independent sources in Roy's arsenal. Use this wisely.
This is the Satanic Racist's voice altered to make him sound even more demonic than he already is. Adult Language
Soundboard that I made from the "Some guy yells at cats" Youtube video. I use this on multiplayer video games to fuck with people. I've probably had the most fun with this board more than any other. Feel free to use it however you want.
Audio clips from the classic John cena prank call
Quotes from an obscene Indian prank call victim from the Burger King Harassment prank call series. Agult Language.
Family guy
Petifile Soundboard
Target Lady is a cashier at Target and she?s overzealous about her job. She?s almost annoying chipper about her excitement. In the end, one thing is prevalent, she loves her job. The character is played by Kristen Wiig.
Most insulting words in the web. Adult Language!
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Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments)
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Beam your phone up with these great ringtones from the Star Trek tv series. Sound effects from the star ships, computers and actors are here.
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