Prank Calls (20915 Tracks)

35 Tracks 62916 Views

Raged Asian Prank Call

33 Tracks 62350 Views

the shiat

66 Tracks 62260 Views

This is a soundboard containing over 100 Sol Rosenberg quotes. Good for prankcalling but you can probably think of more uses.

10 Tracks 61113 Views

Aww dude.

15 Tracks 60683 Views

Use this to troll people as a demonic Dorito!

71 Tracks 60415 Views

Various voice clips of Ghost from True Capitalist Radio

51 Tracks 59815 Views

A soundboard containing famous phrases from: The King, Dr. Robotnik, The WoW Nerds, Shoop Da Whoop and Many others. Enjoy! :)

7 Tracks 59694 Views

People love to be live on the air so how will they react when radio DJ Howard Stern asks them some penetrating questions? Adult language.

57 Tracks 58932 Views

The confused mexican guy was originally a victim from one of brooklynnite86's calls. Check this out! Adult Language.

38 Tracks 58333 Views

Rick is sick of the calls he gets everyday and he confronts the Hairdresser called Frank. Loaded with tons of quotes including many about the police and going to jail too. Adult Language.

158 Tracks 57545 Views

VERY well respected retired chartered accountant from the United Kingdom. He has not made a tellyphone call all day.

327 Tracks 57119 Views

Splish, Splash, Splosh! Sploshy has come to make prank calls with this new soundboard! Credit goes to the legendary Maria Darling for her incredible work voicing Sploshy from Rubbadubbers.

40 Tracks 56469 Views

This board is loaded up with short soundbytes of Will Ferrell being Robert Goulet. For those of you who liked to phone prank your friends, welcome to lounge lizard nirvana.

41 Tracks 56198 Views

The language most widely spoken in Vietnam and by Vietnamese around the world is simply Vietnamese or Tieng Viet. But is is said that English is fairly extensively spoken among young Vietnamese in Saigon. English is by far the most popular second language in Vietnam. Listen to this funny Vietman! Adult Language

9 Tracks 53455 Views

Enjoy these prank phone calls from Little Becky. She's an eight year old girl from Dublin, Ireland. You can listen to Becky at one of the funniest radio shows in the world at 98FM in Dublin. Rebecca Barry is a huge hit in Ireland now and will be a hit in America before long. I love her accent. I think that's what makes the calls so great.

81 Tracks 53084 Views

Use in addition to the primary jj soundboards

75 Tracks 52749 Views

now your chance to become a professional telemarketer. enjoy!!!

20 Tracks 52504 Views

George Takei is a Japanese American actor known for his role Hikaru Sulu from the classic Star Trek tv show. His first acting jobs was as a voice artist, he dubbed English dialog for adult characters in Japanese films being released in the US.

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This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. All of the classic one liners with a few extras! There have been new tracks added. If you only see 41, clear your browser cache!

Jhon cena

Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments)



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The ultimate Gears of War soundboard featuring clips from your favorite COG and Locust characters. (May contain spoilers) XBL: Crimson Carmine

Jason Booth

Beam your phone up with these great ringtones from the Star Trek tv series. Sound effects from the star ships, computers and actors are here.

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